Attention: Registration is no longer available on this website. For Winter 2025 leagues visit

May 2023 Softball (OPEN) - Recreational - Piedmont Park - Tuesdays

This is your league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.

7/18 game not enough ppl

Hey, the collection of lil Boyz won't have enough folks for tonight. We only have 6 RSVP'd and I'm out of the country. Sorry for not being able to field a team today

June 27 Game incorrect

The socre for lil boyz vs laser show was input incorrectly. the yellow team, lil boyz won 15 - 8 agains the pink team.

Can't Make it 6/6

All - Built to Win cannot make tonight's game @ 7:15 PM

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