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December 2022 Basketball 5v5 (Men's) - Recreational - Chamblee/Brookhaven - Sunday Evenings

This is your league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.

League rules

Where are the league rules when it comes to a grace period for game time. Who is over the league were the jerseys . Like this league is becoming some bs

No scores posted?

From last Sunday?? It's Thursday already. What happened to the league this year?


What a bunch of disorganized fools. I will never play in this league again, but they obviously don't care.


They sent email out that they only have a few games scheduled today with full game days being after Christmas. Another 3 weeks out, disappointing


anyone coming even if their team isn’t on the schedule just in case ?

Any updare

Anyone know what we should do? Not showing schedule but we are supposed to start today! Does anyone know anything

what is going on

So, should all 17 teams just show up at 7PM?

I'm assuming the first week of the season is not happening, right? Anyone?

This is truly absurd

This league is extremely expensive and 24 hours before the first game date there is no schedule and many teams don't even have names?

I guess they don't care about any of us players or if we look for a new league next time. We should all get discounts for this crap.

Games tomorrow

Has anyone gotten any details on the league. This is ridiculous

12/18 Game Schedule

Is there only a 9pm game this Sunday?

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